FIASCO is of course no exception! We’ve been way too tardy in our own health and fitness regime. You can only say ‘my body’s a temple’ so many times whilst consuming your body weight in beer on a Friday night and expect be taken seriously in this regard! So with that in mind, we proclaim that FIASCO Towers is now a cookie and beer-free zone until further notice. Let prohibition henceforth rule against sugary snacks and brain grenades… unless it’s a special occasion of course… Or a Friday… Or a Wednesday… Ok let’s move on shall we?
There is a reason for our new slender-toned attitude to life; we have a busy year ahead of us – please now imagine a Rocky style montage replete with The Eye Of The Tiger on the soundtrack – We have 12 new issues of FIASCO to devise and place into your eager hands, we have fashion shows in Milan, Paris, Barcelona, London and of course New York to strut our funky stuff and this nagging need to get FIASCO into more newsstands globally… Getting Stronger!
So looking ahead we know it’s going to fun and exciting, but not without a little Blood, Sweat and dare it say it Tears! Good luck to you all in 2012 from all at FIASCO.