
Segredos de mulheres de sucesso

A publicação Radar do mês de Setembro apresenta uma excelente reportagem sobre prostituição de luxo. A autora segue os passos de algumas das suas amigas, que chegam a cobrar 2 mil dólares por hora. Um sinal dos tempos em que vivemos.

"You know," she says lightly, "I could totally send you out on calls. You've got such a unique look. I mean, you're obviously no model, but there's still something totally hot about you." Before I can respond she says, "Take off your clothes." Her tone is calm and authoritative. I must look painfully uncomfortable. "It's not a big deal," she coos, fixing me with a firm stare. I only now realize why Heather is afraid of her: She is one of those people you cannot say no to.